
Scholes broke plus penalty red card Manchester United lead 2-0, 8 points

United Kingdom Local time 13:30,2011 / 32 the focus of a battle of the season football Premier League at Old Trafford to fight over Manchester United 2-0 to win the Queen's Park Rangers. Referee Mason fined a controversial penalty and sent off Delhi, penalty shot Rooney, Scholes expanded score. Manchester United made ??the league eight game winning streak, nearly 12 achieved 11 wins and 1 lead over Manchester City eight points. Queens Park Rangers suffered a four-game losing streak away.

Manchester United in the nearly 12 times of the two sides clash, 9 wins and 3 draws, unbeaten, Queen's Park last win to Manchester United in 1992 at Old Trafford. Both Premiership history battle 9 games unbeaten Manchester United seven wins and two draws. This is the first of 49 grips, after Manchester United 29 wins and 13 level prevail. Ashley - Young and Welbeck into the starting rotation. This is the 7th Ferdinand brothers with games against Rio the previous four times to win two lost by.

